Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Days I heart

I love days when everything goes according to plan... this past weekend was close to perfection...

My friend from college popped up from Delhi...

I dragged her to my law school where there was some program happening. I received the invite 2 weeks back. It was to be held on a Saturday and I know none of my Bangalore friends would have accompanied me on a weekend to attend a college program. But I was in luck! This friend of mine arrived just in time!

At the ceremony, whenever I looked at her, I caught her yawning... :/

The rest of weekend flew by in a dazed state... a happy, life-is-good daze.

Good food, good people, good music, late nights....

And my weekend sort of continued till today.

I also found some time to make a painting for a friend. A year ago, she had given me the subject: Bare-back lady (Why does that remind me of 'Barenaked Ladies' and their song for The Big Bang Theory?!)

This is what I did...Also, her birthday is a couple of days away, so it's a perfect time to gift this as her birthday present!

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